3.10.11 \(\int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{(c+a^2 c x^2)^{5/2}} \, dx\) [911] Optimal result Mathematica [C] (verified) Rubi [A] (verified) Maple [F] Fricas [F(-2)] Sympy [F(-1)] Maxima [F(-2)] Giac [F] Mupad [F(-1)] Optimal result

Integrand size = 24, antiderivative size = 293 \[ \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{5/2}} \, dx=\frac {5 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{36 a^2 c \left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {5 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a^2 c^2 \sqrt {c+a^2 c x^2}}+\frac {5 x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{18 a c \left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {5 x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{9 a c^2 \sqrt {c+a^2 c x^2}}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{3/2}}-\frac {15 \sqrt {\frac {\pi }{2}} \sqrt {1+a^2 x^2} \operatorname {FresnelC}\left (\sqrt {\frac {2}{\pi }} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}\right )}{16 a^2 c^2 \sqrt {c+a^2 c x^2}}-\frac {5 \sqrt {\frac {\pi }{6}} \sqrt {1+a^2 x^2} \operatorname {FresnelC}\left (\sqrt {\frac {6}{\pi }} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}\right )}{144 a^2 c^2 \sqrt {c+a^2 c x^2}} \]

)/a^2/c^2/(a^2*c*x^2+c)^(1/2) Mathematica [C] (verified)

Result contains complex when optimal does not.

Time = 0.43 (sec) , antiderivative size = 356, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.22 \[ \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{5/2}} \, dx=\frac {1680 \arctan (a x)+1440 a^2 x^2 \arctan (a x)+1440 a x \arctan (a x)^2+960 a^3 x^3 \arctan (a x)^2-576 \arctan (a x)^3+405 i \left (1+a^2 x^2\right )^{3/2} \sqrt {-i \arctan (a x)} \Gamma \left (\frac {1}{2},-i \arctan (a x)\right )-405 i \left (1+a^2 x^2\right )^{3/2} \sqrt {i \arctan (a x)} \Gamma \left (\frac {1}{2},i \arctan (a x)\right )+5 i \sqrt {3+3 a^2 x^2} \sqrt {-i \arctan (a x)} \Gamma \left (\frac {1}{2},-3 i \arctan (a x)\right )+5 i a^2 x^2 \sqrt {3+3 a^2 x^2} \sqrt {-i \arctan (a x)} \Gamma \left (\frac {1}{2},-3 i \arctan (a x)\right )-5 i \sqrt {3+3 a^2 x^2} \sqrt {i \arctan (a x)} \Gamma \left (\frac {1}{2},3 i \arctan (a x)\right )-5 i a^2 x^2 \sqrt {3+3 a^2 x^2} \sqrt {i \arctan (a x)} \Gamma \left (\frac {1}{2},3 i \arctan (a x)\right )}{1728 a^2 c^2 \left (1+a^2 x^2\right ) \sqrt {c+a^2 c x^2} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}} \]

Integrate[(x*ArcTan[a*x]^(5/2))/(c + a^2*c*x^2)^(5/2),x]
(1680*ArcTan[a*x] + 1440*a^2*x^2*ArcTan[a*x] + 1440*a*x*ArcTan[a*x]^2 + 96 
0*a^3*x^3*ArcTan[a*x]^2 - 576*ArcTan[a*x]^3 + (405*I)*(1 + a^2*x^2)^(3/2)* 
Sqrt[(-I)*ArcTan[a*x]]*Gamma[1/2, (-I)*ArcTan[a*x]] - (405*I)*(1 + a^2*x^2 
)^(3/2)*Sqrt[I*ArcTan[a*x]]*Gamma[1/2, I*ArcTan[a*x]] + (5*I)*Sqrt[3 + 3*a 
^2*x^2]*Sqrt[(-I)*ArcTan[a*x]]*Gamma[1/2, (-3*I)*ArcTan[a*x]] + (5*I)*a^2* 
x^2*Sqrt[3 + 3*a^2*x^2]*Sqrt[(-I)*ArcTan[a*x]]*Gamma[1/2, (-3*I)*ArcTan[a* 
x]] - (5*I)*Sqrt[3 + 3*a^2*x^2]*Sqrt[I*ArcTan[a*x]]*Gamma[1/2, (3*I)*ArcTa 
n[a*x]] - (5*I)*a^2*x^2*Sqrt[3 + 3*a^2*x^2]*Sqrt[I*ArcTan[a*x]]*Gamma[1/2, 
 (3*I)*ArcTan[a*x]])/(1728*a^2*c^2*(1 + a^2*x^2)*Sqrt[c + a^2*c*x^2]*Sqrt[ 
ArcTan[a*x]]) Rubi [A] (verified)

Time = 1.33 (sec) , antiderivative size = 337, normalized size of antiderivative = 1.15, number of steps used = 11, number of rules used = 10, \(\frac {\text {number of rules}}{\text {integrand size}}\) = 0.417, Rules used = {5465, 5435, 5433, 5440, 5439, 3042, 3785, 3793, 2009, 3833}

Below are the steps used by Rubi to obtain the solution. The rule number used for the transformation is given above next to the arrow. The rules definitions used are listed below.

\(\displaystyle \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{5/2}} \, dx\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 5465

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \int \frac {\arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{\left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{5/2}}dx}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 5435

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {1}{12} \int \frac {1}{\left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{5/2} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}dx+\frac {2 \int \frac {\arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{\left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}dx}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 5433

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {1}{12} \int \frac {1}{\left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{5/2} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}dx+\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3}{4} \int \frac {1}{\left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}dx+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 5440

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {1}{\left (a^2 x^2+1\right )^{5/2} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}dx}{12 c^2 \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3 \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {1}{\left (a^2 x^2+1\right )^{3/2} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}dx}{4 c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 5439

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {1}{\left (a^2 x^2+1\right )^{3/2} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}d\arctan (a x)}{12 a c^2 \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3 \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {1}{\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}d\arctan (a x)}{4 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3042

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {\sin \left (\arctan (a x)+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )^3}{\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}d\arctan (a x)}{12 a c^2 \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3 \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {\sin \left (\arctan (a x)+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )}{\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}d\arctan (a x)}{4 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3785

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {\sin \left (\arctan (a x)+\frac {\pi }{2}\right )^3}{\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}d\arctan (a x)}{12 a c^2 \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3 \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {1}{\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1}}d\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3793

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \left (\frac {\cos (3 \arctan (a x))}{4 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}+\frac {3}{4 \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}\right )d\arctan (a x)}{12 a c^2 \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3 \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {1}{\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1}}d\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 2009

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3 \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \int \frac {1}{\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1}}d\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}-\frac {\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \left (\frac {3}{2} \sqrt {\frac {\pi }{2}} \operatorname {FresnelC}\left (\sqrt {\frac {2}{\pi }} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}\right )+\frac {1}{2} \sqrt {\frac {\pi }{6}} \operatorname {FresnelC}\left (\sqrt {\frac {6}{\pi }} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}\right )\right )}{12 a c^2 \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

\(\Big \downarrow \) 3833

\(\displaystyle \frac {5 \left (-\frac {\sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \left (\frac {3}{2} \sqrt {\frac {\pi }{2}} \operatorname {FresnelC}\left (\sqrt {\frac {2}{\pi }} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}\right )+\frac {1}{2} \sqrt {\frac {\pi }{6}} \operatorname {FresnelC}\left (\sqrt {\frac {6}{\pi }} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}\right )\right )}{12 a c^2 \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {2 \left (-\frac {3 \sqrt {\frac {\pi }{2}} \sqrt {a^2 x^2+1} \operatorname {FresnelC}\left (\sqrt {\frac {2}{\pi }} \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}\right )}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}+\frac {3 \sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{2 a c \sqrt {a^2 c x^2+c}}\right )}{3 c}+\frac {x \arctan (a x)^{3/2}}{3 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}+\frac {\sqrt {\arctan (a x)}}{6 a c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\right )}{6 a}-\frac {\arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{3 a^2 c \left (a^2 c x^2+c\right )^{3/2}}\)

Int[(x*ArcTan[a*x]^(5/2))/(c + a^2*c*x^2)^(5/2),x]
-1/3*ArcTan[a*x]^(5/2)/(a^2*c*(c + a^2*c*x^2)^(3/2)) + (5*(Sqrt[ArcTan[a*x 
]]/(6*a*c*(c + a^2*c*x^2)^(3/2)) + (x*ArcTan[a*x]^(3/2))/(3*c*(c + a^2*c*x 
^2)^(3/2)) + (2*((3*Sqrt[ArcTan[a*x]])/(2*a*c*Sqrt[c + a^2*c*x^2]) + (x*Ar 
cTan[a*x]^(3/2))/(c*Sqrt[c + a^2*c*x^2]) - (3*Sqrt[Pi/2]*Sqrt[1 + a^2*x^2] 
*FresnelC[Sqrt[2/Pi]*Sqrt[ArcTan[a*x]]])/(2*a*c*Sqrt[c + a^2*c*x^2])))/(3* 
c) - (Sqrt[1 + a^2*x^2]*((3*Sqrt[Pi/2]*FresnelC[Sqrt[2/Pi]*Sqrt[ArcTan[a*x 
]]])/2 + (Sqrt[Pi/6]*FresnelC[Sqrt[6/Pi]*Sqrt[ArcTan[a*x]]])/2))/(12*a*c^2 
*Sqrt[c + a^2*c*x^2])))/(6*a) Defintions of rubi rules used

rule 2009
Int[u_, x_Symbol] :> Simp[IntSum[u, x], x] /; SumQ[u]

rule 3042
Int[u_, x_Symbol] :> Int[DeactivateTrig[u, x], x] /; FunctionOfTrigOfLinear 
Q[u, x]

rule 3785
Int[sin[Pi/2 + (e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)]/Sqrt[(c_.) + (d_.)*(x_)], x_Symbol] :> S 
imp[2/d   Subst[Int[Cos[f*(x^2/d)], x], x, Sqrt[c + d*x]], x] /; FreeQ[{c, 
d, e, f}, x] && ComplexFreeQ[f] && EqQ[d*e - c*f, 0]

rule 3793
Int[((c_.) + (d_.)*(x_))^(m_)*sin[(e_.) + (f_.)*(x_)]^(n_), x_Symbol] :> In 
t[ExpandTrigReduce[(c + d*x)^m, Sin[e + f*x]^n, x], x] /; FreeQ[{c, d, e, f 
, m}, x] && IGtQ[n, 1] && ( !RationalQ[m] || (GeQ[m, -1] && LtQ[m, 1]))

rule 3833
Int[Cos[(d_.)*((e_.) + (f_.)*(x_))^2], x_Symbol] :> Simp[(Sqrt[Pi/2]/(f*Rt[ 
d, 2]))*FresnelC[Sqrt[2/Pi]*Rt[d, 2]*(e + f*x)], x] /; FreeQ[{d, e, f}, x]

rule 5433
Int[((a_.) + ArcTan[(c_.)*(x_)]*(b_.))^(p_)/((d_) + (e_.)*(x_)^2)^(3/2), x_ 
Symbol] :> Simp[b*p*((a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^(p - 1)/(c*d*Sqrt[d + e*x^2])), x] 
 + (Simp[x*((a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^p/(d*Sqrt[d + e*x^2])), x] - Simp[b^2*p*(p 
- 1)   Int[(a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^(p - 2)/(d + e*x^2)^(3/2), x], x]) /; FreeQ[ 
{a, b, c, d, e}, x] && EqQ[e, c^2*d] && GtQ[p, 1]

rule 5435
Int[((a_.) + ArcTan[(c_.)*(x_)]*(b_.))^(p_)*((d_) + (e_.)*(x_)^2)^(q_), x_S 
ymbol] :> Simp[b*p*(d + e*x^2)^(q + 1)*((a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^(p - 1)/(4*c*d* 
(q + 1)^2)), x] + (-Simp[x*(d + e*x^2)^(q + 1)*((a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^p/(2*d* 
(q + 1))), x] + Simp[(2*q + 3)/(2*d*(q + 1))   Int[(d + e*x^2)^(q + 1)*(a + 
 b*ArcTan[c*x])^p, x], x] - Simp[b^2*p*((p - 1)/(4*(q + 1)^2))   Int[(d + e 
*x^2)^q*(a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^(p - 2), x], x]) /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e}, x] & 
& EqQ[e, c^2*d] && LtQ[q, -1] && GtQ[p, 1] && NeQ[q, -3/2]

rule 5439
Int[((a_.) + ArcTan[(c_.)*(x_)]*(b_.))^(p_.)*((d_) + (e_.)*(x_)^2)^(q_), x_ 
Symbol] :> Simp[d^q/c   Subst[Int[(a + b*x)^p/Cos[x]^(2*(q + 1)), x], x, Ar 
cTan[c*x]], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, p}, x] && EqQ[e, c^2*d] && ILtQ[2*( 
q + 1), 0] && (IntegerQ[q] || GtQ[d, 0])

rule 5440
Int[((a_.) + ArcTan[(c_.)*(x_)]*(b_.))^(p_.)*((d_) + (e_.)*(x_)^2)^(q_), x_ 
Symbol] :> Simp[d^(q + 1/2)*(Sqrt[1 + c^2*x^2]/Sqrt[d + e*x^2])   Int[(1 + 
c^2*x^2)^q*(a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^p, x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, p}, x] && 
 EqQ[e, c^2*d] && ILtQ[2*(q + 1), 0] &&  !(IntegerQ[q] || GtQ[d, 0])

rule 5465
Int[((a_.) + ArcTan[(c_.)*(x_)]*(b_.))^(p_.)*(x_)*((d_) + (e_.)*(x_)^2)^(q_ 
.), x_Symbol] :> Simp[(d + e*x^2)^(q + 1)*((a + b*ArcTan[c*x])^p/(2*e*(q + 
1))), x] - Simp[b*(p/(2*c*(q + 1)))   Int[(d + e*x^2)^q*(a + b*ArcTan[c*x]) 
^(p - 1), x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, q}, x] && EqQ[e, c^2*d] && GtQ[p, 
 0] && NeQ[q, -1] Maple [F]

\[\int \frac {x \arctan \left (a x \right )^{\frac {5}{2}}}{\left (a^{2} c \,x^{2}+c \right )^{\frac {5}{2}}}d x\]

int(x*arctan(a*x)^(5/2)/(a^2*c*x^2+c)^(5/2),x) Fricas [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{5/2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: TypeError} \]

integrate(x*arctan(a*x)^(5/2)/(a^2*c*x^2+c)^(5/2),x, algorithm="fricas")
Exception raised: TypeError >>  Error detected within library code:   inte 
grate: implementation incomplete (constant residues) Sympy [F(-1)]

Timed out. \[ \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{5/2}} \, dx=\text {Timed out} \]

Timed out Maxima [F(-2)]

Exception generated. \[ \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{5/2}} \, dx=\text {Exception raised: RuntimeError} \]

integrate(x*arctan(a*x)^(5/2)/(a^2*c*x^2+c)^(5/2),x, algorithm="maxima")
Exception raised: RuntimeError >> ECL says: expt: undefined: 0 to a negati 
ve exponent. Giac [F]

\[ \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{5/2}} \, dx=\int { \frac {x \arctan \left (a x\right )^{\frac {5}{2}}}{{\left (a^{2} c x^{2} + c\right )}^{\frac {5}{2}}} \,d x } \]

integrate(x*arctan(a*x)^(5/2)/(a^2*c*x^2+c)^(5/2),x, algorithm="giac")
sage0*x Mupad [F(-1)]

Timed out. \[ \int \frac {x \arctan (a x)^{5/2}}{\left (c+a^2 c x^2\right )^{5/2}} \, dx=\int \frac {x\,{\mathrm {atan}\left (a\,x\right )}^{5/2}}{{\left (c\,a^2\,x^2+c\right )}^{5/2}} \,d x \]

int((x*atan(a*x)^(5/2))/(c + a^2*c*x^2)^(5/2),x)
int((x*atan(a*x)^(5/2))/(c + a^2*c*x^2)^(5/2), x)